Classroom Teaching Methods and Skills
for Successful English Language Instruction
Lesson Plan Outline for Wednesday, March 31, 2010
*Learner Will Demonstrate the Ability To … = LWDAT
I. Introductions (Model) (LWDAT* converse in English with the objective of learning information about partner. LWDAT introduce partner using English.)
a. Visual (write on board) and oral (speaking) – “Hello. My name is Sandy.”
b. Interviewing a partner (model) – talk with partner and learn something interesting
about him/her.
c. Introducing partner (model) – tell class your partner’s name and some interesting
information you learned about him/her.
d. “Hello” song: Hello, hello, how are you? Hello, hello, how are you? How are
you today?
I. Introductions (Model) (LWDAT* converse in English with the objective of learning information about partner. LWDAT introduce partner using English.)
a. Visual (write on board) and oral (speaking) – “Hello. My name is Sandy.”
b. Interviewing a partner (model) – talk with partner and learn something interesting
about him/her.
c. Introducing partner (model) – tell class your partner’s name and some interesting
information you learned about him/her.
d. “Hello” song: Hello, hello, how are you? Hello, hello, how are you? How are
you today?
II. Prayer
III. Housekeeping – expectations – Discussion on rules necessary to have a condusive learning environment (what do YOU need in order to learn?) Brainstorm – rules should be formulated by your students so that they have ownership!!! (examples: be in class at 9 a.m., cell phones off or on vibrate, OK to leave for bathroom, no side conversations, etc.)
IV. What you can expect from us:
a. We will model each lesson.
b. We will provide necessary tools – you may take to use in your classrooms.
c. We will provide time for you to practice each of the skills covered.
d. We will monitor our instruction and adjust to make this a useful experience.
V. Writing Activity #1 (LWDAT write a complete sentence)
a. Using sheet protector and grease pencil, trace template and complete all sentences.
b. When finished with writing, read what you have written to a partner.
c. Teachers can create their own templates for students to trace. To conserve on paper, use sheet protector and grease pencil (sock for eraser).
VI. Oral Practice #1 (LWDAT orally tell, in simple sentences, their daily routine using transition words first, then, next, after, and finally. Use present tense until proficient.) Directions: Tell your partner what you do each day (i.e. In the morning I get up at 7 a.m. Then I wash my face. Next I get dressed. After that I …etc.)
VII. Writing Practice #2 (LWDAT write a paragraph of simple sentences that explain their daily routine.) Directions: Write a paragraph explaining what you have do do each day (as in Oral Practice #1).
VIII. Learn song – “Make New Friends, But Keep the Old. One is silver and the other
gold.” – sing as a round.
IX. Vocabulary Activity #1 (vocabulary cards) – (LWDAT learn basic English vocabulary using pictures.) Directions: Go through vocabulary cards and sort into two groups: words I know; words I need to learn. With a partner, say the “words I know” twice. See if you can increase your speed. Choose 5 words from the “words I need to learn” group. Work on memorizing them. Say them to your partner 5 times. Decide if you can move them to your “words I know” group. Flash through these words daily and try adding new words each day. Teachers must STRESS to students that their goal is to increase their list of known words, increase their speed – not to compete with their peers.
X. Vocabulary Activity #2 – (LWDAT use English words they know in a sentence.) Directions: Using the words in the “words I know” group, use each word in a sentence. Speak these sentences to your partner. Practice this daily.
XI. Vocabulary Activity #3 – (LWDAT sort vocabulary words into given categories.) Directions: Sort vocabulary cards into categories (teacher can give categories, or allow students to choose categories). i.e. nouns, verbs; things found in school, things found at home; things found inside/outside, etc.
Introduced games: Hangman, “Hot Seat”
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