Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 2 Lesson Plan

Classroom Teaching Methods and Skills
for Successful English Language Instruction

Lesson Plan Outline for Thursday, April 1, 2010

I. April Fool’s pranks (customs of US)

II. Prayer

III. Introductions (any new students must introduce themselves)

IV. Sing “Make New Friends” as a round. (LWDAT sing a song in English.)

V. Check for Levels being taught in Haiti schools (sign up on board – Primary, Secondary, University level)

VI. Teach “A-Z Phonics song” with alphabet card (phonic song: a,a,a,a “apple”; b,b,b,b “ball” …) from Sing, Spell, Read & Write program. (LWDAT correctly give the phonetic sound for each letter of the English language.)

VII. Phonetic Analysis activity (students echo teacher as teacher points to letters and gives phonetic sound) “ABC Echoes” from Sing, Spell, Read & Write program. (LWDAT correctly repeat the phonetic sound of a letter.

VIII. Vocabulary Cards – pass out so that every student as a complete set of 54 (some need to be thrown out - too dark).
a. Learning vocabulary – go through all cards – look at picture, check word on back to see how you did.
b. work with a partner – partner shows you card – if you give correct English word, you get card; if not, partner keeps in a stack. When finished, count how many cards you got right. Record. Each day, work to increase the number of words you know. Switch. (LWDAT increase their command of English vocabulary words.)
c. Sorting Directions: How could you sort these cards into categories? (brainstorm) – Choose 2 categories (ie colors, action words) – any that don’t fit in these 2 categories go in a “discard” pile. (LWDAT correctly organize English words in given categories.)
d. Sentence structurespoken. Directions: choose one word. Use that word in a sentence. Tell your partner your sentence. (LWDAT use English words orally in a correct sentence.)
e. Sentence structure – written. Directions: Use one word in a sentence. Write your sentence on paper. Use 2 words in one sentence. Write your sentence.

IX. Board Game – Rhyming Words – (LWDAT to give a rhyming word for a given vocabulary word.) Directions: Put your marker at the beginning. Roll die. Pick card (teacher writes vocabulary words on cards and places in pile – all must have rhyming words – ie – “ball” – call, fall, hall, mall, tall; “cat” – bat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat …) Say the word on the card and give a rhyming word. If your opponents agree, you may move ahead the number of spaces shown on the die. Go to next player. Repeat. The player to reach the end of the trail first is the winner.

X. Sequencing – (LWDAT correctly sequence 3 given pictures; LWDAT construct a chronologically correct set of 3 pictures and using correct English, tell about their sequence. LWDAT write a paragraph telling about their sequenced pictures.) Materials: sheet protector, grease pencil, template with sequence pictures in groups of 3 – 3rd row is blank for student to draw their own sequence.
Directions: Number the pictures 1, 2 and 3 to show the chronological order. In
row 3, draw your own chronological sequence in picture format. Tell the story
of your pictures to a partner. Write a paragraph explaining about your
sequenced pictures.

XI. Teaching techniques
a. Writing objectives (LWDAT = learner will demonstrate the ability to…)
b. Checking for understanding - make sure your students understand the learning!!!
c. Active Participation (get students actively involved in their learning)
d. Monitor and Adjust (check your teaching and students’ understanding – you may have to reteach, slow down, individualize, etc.)
e. Evaluating (check to make sure EACH student knows material – don’t facilitate copying)
f. Lesson Plan Format (assignment for Friday using book given)
i. What is your objective in using this book in your teaching (learning given vocabulary words; finding verbs, nouns, etc.; reading with fluency; etc.)
ii. What do your students need to know in order to be successful in meeting this objective?
iii. How are you going to present this lesson in order to meet your objective? (ie – LWDAT orally explain, in simple sentences, their daily routine; prior knowledge necessary – vocabulary, sentence structure; method – model, practice with partner, evaluate)

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